This is a journey that I have been praying for the opportunity to go on since I was a little girl. Through a series of hard work, fortunate events, and plain dumb luck, I will be joining my dear friend Ashley over there! The hard work obviously comes from her end, as she put in all the man power to get herself excepted to grad school in London. So she'll be running away for a year, which is insanely depressing, but the fact that I get to go visit more than makes up for it! London has always been our place, and now we will get to explore it together.
Beyond. Excited.
Now to start on the list of places we must go and things we must do! Ash teases me constantly about being the "planner" of the two of us, but I have a feeling that half of this trip will be planned and the other half will just allow us to fly by the seat of our pants.
My gypsy heart is overflowing with happiness. I am so ready to go ❤️
But for now,
Cheers from Arkansas,
Lacy Bri