Calm my heart.
Heal this hurt.
Dear Jesus please make it go away.
Dear Jesus please make it go away.
Dear Jesus please make it go away.
When I was small I had nightmares. Vivid nightmares, where I felt like I could not escape. And I would wake crying loudly, terrified. And every time I would closet eyes, the picture would be burnt into the back of my eyelids, and thebdre would continue. My mom would come hold me and rock me and sing to me. She would comfort me.
But none of those things she sang were as comforting as her whispering those six words into my ear over and over and over again.
Dear Jesus please make it go away.
Dear Jesus please make it go away.
Dear Jesus please make it go away.
And now, even as a grown young woman living on my own, I find myself repeating those words in trying times. Times when I feel my life is a nightmare spiraling out of control.
I fully understand why my mom chose the words she did. While all I wanted was to cling to my mommy, She knew one day she would not be there to pull me into her lap and let her kisses make it all better. She knew one day she may not be able to tell me it was all going to be okay. She knew above all that when that day came and I found myself needing to cling to something, that my place of shelter and comfort needed to be portable.
And He has been. He has been with me every step.
So Jesus, kiss my tears off my cheeks. Guard my dreams, keep away the terrors. Lead me. Bring me rest.
Hold me, rock me, Lord make it all better.
Lord, carry me, cause my legs are unsteady and my feet can find no solid footing.
I stumbled, I fell, so please, please pull me out of this.
Make it all better.
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