Recently I have been discovering my identity in Christ, and let me just tell you that it has been a glorious journey so far. Along with that I have discovered that I am not just "Lacy Potter - Straight A Student, Banker, and Aspiring Financial Coordinator"
I am "Lacy - Sister, Daughter, Lover of People, Child of The King"
In the days to come, if He so wishes, I will add to that list "Wife, Mother, Grandmother" Knowing these things and re-shifting my focus has really brought a lot of peace. Not looking for a man but waiting for God bring me one has been surprisingly easier than I expected it to be, because I was no longer looking for the qualities in a man that could be related to Godly aspects. I have begun to truly rely on my Savior to give me who he wants me to be with.
A few weeks ago I was having a conversation with David, and he stated a verse to me. That same verse had been stated to me the week before by a guy that I once thought I knew, and the difference in the significance of the impact that was left nearly floored me. Hearing a verse out of the mouth of a man you know is walking with God will leave an imprint far deeper than the mere words recited by a boy who knows all the right words, but whose follow through is a little less than mediocre.
As I sat meditating on this, I realized that this had happened on a couple different occasions, and each time the verse that I held tight to was the one that God spoke out of the mouth of a man following Him. Those men may or may not remember those instances, simply because they were allowing themselves to be a vessel for God to use to speak to me.
Their hearts and the Heart of my Lord were one.
My cousin's mother-in-law gave me some of the most excellent advice a couple weeks ago.*
“A woman’s heart should be so hidden in Christ, that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.”
With that advice in mind, I decided to use my Lord as a fortress to guard my heart. So the walls that I put up, are not the typical ones that must be worn down over time, or knocked through by a man who sets out to conquer my heart. The gate is locked with a key, and my Christ is the keeper of that key, so in order to obtain it, a man must know God well enough to ask for it.
Therefore that man must be a man after God's own heart.
He may not know where he is headed, taking one day at a time,
He may have his life planned out, and be certain that this is the next step,
He may be broke, or rich, a night owl or a morning person,
He may be a quiet intellectual, or have an outgoing personality
But none of that matters to me, as long as he loves and trusts in the Lord, everything else will fall smoothly into place.
Lacy Brianne :)
*a side note to this: I am so very thankful for this woman. God has impeccable timing when it comes to knowing who you need in your life, and I am so lucky that God placed my cousin-in-law into my cousin's life, so that I would be gifted with one of the wisest, most patient, caring, and encouraging women on the planet, as a relative. You are very dear to my heart, Cheri!
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