Sunday, September 9, 2012


There are moments when you just need to stop, and allow yourself to think.  To give your brain time to sort through all the craziness that consumes life.  My quiet place is the shower.  I love it when the water rushes over my ears, blocking out the rest of the world and leaves me alone to my thoughts.  It is also cleansing for me, in a symbolic way.

You see my thoughts have a tendency to run away with me.  Things I've let go of try to resurface sometimes, but having the water run over me I feel that I can literally wash them down the drain, clearing my head so I have room to meditate on the good or profound stuff that is happening.

This morning the thought that jumped into my head was "prepare."  A couple days ago, I put a status up on FB about being content to wait for a man to come into my life, and an old friend commented on it.  Mind you, this friend is male, and knowing that something like this can come from a guy my age is proof that there are more out there who have this mentality.  One of them was made for me.  He simply stated: "Not only wait, hopefully that man is preparing himself to the man and husband God wants him to be. You too should prepare. :)"

And so the preparing has commenced.  I will guard my heart with my God, and only he who is mine shall be able to find it. 

Lacy Brianne

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