Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wisdom? I think yes! Day 2

Well, so far this fasting thing is going well! 

I haven't had any soda, and my nerves seemed to calm down tremendously (which was a huge relief after feeling like I was developing ADHD minus the attention deficit part!)

If you'd like to follow along with me, my devotion today was Proverbs 1:1-19 and I will be finishing up chapter 1 in the morning!

It really took a lot for me not to buy some article of clothing today while I was out running my various errands, but I didn't, so I felt mildly triumphant!

and with the food, I AM SO PROUD OF MYSELF! as we are all fully aware, today is Halloween, which means LOADS of candy. I had a few pieces, but I didn't just continuously eat it all day, and for the most part my choices were healthy! :) That in itself feels like a milestone!

I began my morning with a bowl of honey bunches of oats and my bible :) When I decided to start this journey, God really laid it on my heart to begin reading Proverbs.  For those of you who don't know, Proverbs was largely written by Solomon, who is said to be the wisest man to ever walk the Earth, meaning that there should be a lot of wisdom burried in that book. 

And I intend to find it.

This was my favorite verse from my devotion today:

Let the wise listen and add to their learning, let the discerning get guidance, for understanding proverbs and parables, the sayings and riddles of the wise.  (Proverbs 1:5-6)

I like it because in a way it feels like a prologue to this new chapter of my life, and offers instruction to submerse myself in the word, and learn from it, to hold on to it always!

So here we go!

With Love,
Lacy Brianne

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