As I'm sure you're well aware, this is the time of year for everyone to share their nifty little family traditions. Whether it be reading a certain book by the fireplace, cooking with Grandma's secret recipes, or unintentionally burning the turkey so many times that it's just not the holidays otherwise, we all have quirky little things our families do every year.
While my family has many normal traditions that have been carried on through the generations, we also have some that are probably not so...well...sane.
As you have probably come to know, my younger sister Lexi is my partner in crime. Literally.
I'm not exactly sure when all this started, but at some point during our youth we decided we wanted to come up with some tradtions of our own, and Lexi being the daredevil that she is, decided to try to give us hypothermia...on a yearly basis...every year for the rest. of. our. lives.
Let me tell you a story.
When I was a young'un, probably about the ripe old age of 8, we had an unreasonably cold winter. I, being the summer baby that I am, was very very very tired of the weather, so Lexi and I decided that we were going to crank up the heater and sit in our rooms in our bathing suits, watch The Little Mermaid, and pretend it was Summer.
(Insert God's laughter here)
Because during our day in the Tropics, it started to snow outside. Then the snow started to stick. So my lovin' momma called us downstairs to look at it, and then laughed when she saw our attire.
Here comes the moment of insanity.
I'm not sure who's bright idea this was, but one of us decided it would be great to run down to the bottom of the yard through the snow. Barefoot. In our bathing suits.
Just what were we thinking, you may ask? I honestly have no clue. But it was probably Lexi's idea.
So we made a tradition of it. As soon as we got a good inch of snow on the ground for the first time each year, we would run the full acre length of the yard barefoot in our bikinis. And this year was no different. Okay, well this year was a little different, because we were in mixed company so we had on a little extra clothing.
The thing that you should take away from the previous sentence is not that we were clothed, but that we are now infecting other people with our craziness, and lack of self preservation. Peer Pressure!
In the words of Dylan, (the guy who forgot his beenie) "We're doing what?!?! This is a Terrible tradition!" and one that we will continue for many years to come :)
Pictures to come soon!!
Happy Holidays!!
Lacy Brianne
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