Well, little girl twenty one you never thought that this would come
You starve yourself to play the part
But I can promise you there's a man whose love is true
And He'll treat you like the jewel you are
-"More Beautiful You" by Jonny Diaz
I was listening to this song on the radio yesterday as I was driving, and something about the line "you starve yourself to play the part" hit me so differently for the first time.
Hebrews 4:12 says "For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart."
Until yesterday I had it stuck in my head that this meant the bible, you know? God's word. But I have suddenly come to realize that God doesn't consider the bible to be the only "living word". I wholeheartedly believe that he uses our talents to pursue the hearts of others, whether that be through our own words, or like in this case, through music.
You see I love this song, and have listened to it no less than 50 times. I believe in an ever present God, and if God's presence is what makes the bible living, why wouldn't He be able to give life to other sets of words created to glorify him?
So let's focus on one little part of this song. "Well, little girl twenty one you never thought that this would come
You starve yourself to play the part"
A few years ago, I had a battle with an eating disorder, so naturally when I heard "starve" my first thought was "not eat" right?
But what does starve really mean? Not necessarily not eating...but not being nourished...which are two entirely different things wrapped in the same envelope.
There are a lot of things that keep us from being nourished. Nourishment is not limited to the things we put in our mouth.
Matthew 4:4 says "4 Jesus answered, “It is written: ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."
So this starvation can come from separating ourselves from God and from his words, even if the distance is only mild. It also can mean starving ourselves of His presence.
In the song it talks about her starving herself for a man. Ladies, if your man is not being the spiritual leader in your relationship, he is in a sense starving you. In the same way, if you are not challenging him to step up, and be the man of God that you desire, that God desires for his daughters, then you are starving yourself.
Our desire to be in God's presence should be as strong as the hunger pains in our stomach.
So there is some food for thought, no pun intended!
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