Well, a couple weeks ago I ended what was pretty much a 5 year relationship. Being only 20, that is a huge chunk of my life and needless to say, I loved this boy. I still do, and a part of me probably always will. Heck, I spent a quarter of my life with him at my side (figuratively since he lived in Louisiana and I in Arkansas).
I did all of my actual growing up with him as my right hand man, whether our relationship was momentarily labeled only a friendship or romantically. He knew me better than anyone. I told him all my secrets, all my dreams.
I let him see parts of me that most people don't even know exist.
He was my rock. He was my anchor through all my storms. He was my conscience at times and the voice in my head telling me to take chances at others. He was my anxiety pill when I was stressed. My diffuser when no one else knew what to do with me.
He was my heart.
And then I learned what it really meant to give yourself to God. What it meant to actively seek after him instead of simply "admit believe confess." I learned what it meant to want to stay in his presence, and it became something I will never be able to get enough of. I wanted it, and so chose to embark on this new and exciting journey. I wanted said boy to come with me; for us to make this journey together throughout the rest of our lives.
But said boy got left behind. Despite the fact that we met on a mission trip, and Blake is what the average American would consider to be a Christian, somewhere along the way, God started knocking, for real, and Blake said no.
Well in a relationship, one person can't say "Yes Lord, lead me!" while the other is dragging their feet. It doesn't work like that. It tears you in opposite directions. It splits you apart. Long story short, that is what happened. We split apart.
And it was a lot easier than I ever expected it to be, knowing I was doing the right thing for both of us. For me especially.
It was still one of the hardest things I've ever done knowing that I was ending it for good. Tradeing in your best friend of 5 years for someone who you can't "see" or "hear" is super difficult, but God has orchestrated everything so that one day it will fall into place.
For now I am going to keep my chin up, and this smile on my face? It isn't pasted on because I don't want people to see that something is wrong. It's my, this sucks but I refuse to be defeated by you face.
But for now, God, I wouldn't complain if you decided you wanted to hold me up as I walk through all this.
With much love,