The Outlander series has become all the rage in the past couple years, and rightly so. It’s an extremely well written book series, with a television show that actually does it some justice. I had a friend recommend the books to me for the long train ride through the English countryside last spring, and it didn’t take long till I was hooked.
Ruggedly handsome, Scottish young man, with fire in his soul as bright as his copper curls. Not hard to be drawn in to Jamie Fraser, and the whole tumultuous love story that is his and Claire’s. Jamie has a very devout sense of honor, and his love for his clan and Scotland run deep in his veins.
But this is not a book report so let me get to my point.
Je suis prest is the motto of the Fraser clan. It translates to “I am ready”.
Now, I currently do not speak any other languages fluently, so when I read this, my brain pronounced the hard T of the English language, and we moved right along. However, after watching the show and having a “duh” moment, I realized that the T is silent, and the word sounds a whole lot more like “pray” than it does “pressed”.
Which got me to thinking...
Prayer is such an active ritual. It’s supposed to be. We are to integrate it into each moment of our day. We utilize it to have conversations with God, to open our hearts and ears to what he has in store for us. We use it to ask God’s forgiveness, or to ask him to hold us as we walk through a trialing time. We ask him for direction, or help.
But how long has it been since you used prayer to ready yourself? Have you ever?
We are warriors for the Kingdom. (Go search your bible. Pretty cool stuff about this in there).
Armies prepare themselves for battle. They train. They drill.
Have you hit your knees to prepare for whatever is coming next in your life? Are you using the most basic tools God has provided us with? Whether what’s around the corner is known or unknown to you, are you ready for it?
Je suis prest. I am.
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