Monday, July 16, 2012

one is the loneliest number...

you know it just kinda drives me nuts sometimes that my mother still treats me like a child.  i live on my own and have for over a year.  i pay for all of my own stuff (i.e. my apartment, food, gas, and anything else that you can think of, because i hate accepting money from my parents) and im putting myself through school.  i work at my grown up banker job and yet there are weeks that go by when my mother and i cannot have a conversation because she yells at me for having an opinion.

now i know that sometimes her demeanor is a direct reflection of how much my younger siblings are driving her crazy, but that doesnt make it any less frustrating.  she is my mommy and i miss talking to her, yet i havent been able to have an actual conversation with her in way too long because she is either sleeping or grumpy or too busy to talk.  on a whole other level i find this completely disheartening, because she will call and spend hours on the phone with her mother.  sometimes i wish i could just have her attention for a good solid twenty minutes, without having to be like "mom, are you there?" "mom? im trying to tell you something" "mom!?!"

i miss her like crazy and this whole being an adult thing is a lot harder than i ever thought it would be.  dont get me wrong i love my life and my job and taking care of myself, but sometimes it gets really lonely around here. i miss getting goodnight kisses and sitting on my parents bed and talking to them for a few hours and i miss laying in my bed in the mornings for a few extra minutes after my alarm went off because i knew that if i did mom would come sit on the edge of my bed and sing to me until i woke up. 

the hardest part about being so tight knit with your family is leaving them and knowing things wont ever go back. momma i know we wont always agree, but i will always love you. 


Friday, July 13, 2012

Small town Saturday night

So on Saturday, Carri got in from Nashville and sent me home for the weekend to get some r&r.  It was very nice to be able to go home and have my mommy hold me for a little bit :) The whole weekend in fact was very nice.

When my daddy got home Saturday night, he came up the stairs with a guitar case in his hand. For those of you who know my dad, you already know that this is not an uncommon thing. For those of you don't know my dad, let me just tell you that one of his mulitple dimensions is that he can pick of anything with strings and make it sing.  My father is so musically gifted, and in April of last year, I decided I would try to unlock my musical genetics, and picked up his guitar. 

When he discovered that I wanted to learn, he put some new strings on my great-great-uncle's guitar, and gave it to me.  I was overjoyed, because this thing was a family heirloom and I knew how special it was to him.  My great-great-uncle Stubs had given it to my great-grandpa who gave it to my papa who gave it to my daddy who gave it to me with a "when it breaks (not if, but when) we will hang it up and get you a new one". Well, a couple weeks ago, it died, and I cried and called my daddy, who assured me that it would be okay. 

Now, I hate asking for expensive things, so I just don't, and considering that guitars are excessively expensive, I didn't know how long it would be before I was able to get a new one.  Well, when dad came upstairs with this guitar case in his hand, I was expecting him to pull out his Taylor, and plop down on the couch, pat the spot beside him, so I would curl up close and sing along with his beautiful music. 

Instead, he came over and kissed me on my forehead and I gave him a big hug hello, and then he placed the case into my hands and whispered "Happy Birthday" I was sooooooo excited, and when I opened up the case, an acoustic Fender lay inside.  It was so gorgeous and I was just so happy :) The sound that came out of it as I strummed across those strings was so bright and cheerful :-) and the fact that the pick was hot pink was just the icing on the cake (how well my daddy knows me).  His eyes were just sparkling as he said "I really should have waited until your actual birthday, but I just couldn't." I can't begin to tell you how much that meant to me. 

The gift of music is something that will live on forever, and the fact that I can pass that on is more than incredible to me.  A father's love is in a field of its own entirely, and it will never cease to amaze me.  It is just so awestriking sometimes, and it is something that I have declared to appreciate every moment of every day. 
I love you daddy!

Your little girl

The rest of the hospital visit...

Sorry its been so long since I posted anything! This past week and a half is very difficult to put into words.

After 8 days in the hospital, Kenzie finally got to go home! She is still on a lot of medicine and in quite a bit of pain (it comes and goes), but they think she may be allergic to gluten, so we are trying a gluten free diet to see if that helps!

You know, Kenzie and I have been through countless hospital visits together, and up until this point, our parents have been there, handling things, so that there was as little stress as possible on us.  But this time, her parents were in Nashville, on a mission trip, working for God.  And while that in itself is amazing, consequently, Mo and I were left to our own devices.  I really was amazed at how well we did.  I don't think that either of us could have held it together so well had we not had one another there.  Clearly, we weren't alone.  God was with us the whole time, and he did some amazing things with our work schedules, so that one of us could be there with Kenz at all times. 

I never realized how draining sitting in a hospital chair for hours could be, but it really is.  Surprisingly so.  And after a few days, I was completely exhausted.  Unlike most people though, when I am tired, I am not one to rest.  I push myself past the limits, and I find other venues from which to draw my strength.  The remarkable thing is, God already knows this about me, so long after I should have crashed, he put some amazing people in my path, and those people found it in themselves to lend me strength. 

Last Friday, I had the morning off, so I went to the hospital pretty early and was tucked into the recliner, lightly dozing when a nurse came in to give Kenz her meds.  All of the nurses had been very wonderful in their bedside manner, but there was something different about this one.  She was the first that seemed to deeply care about Kenzie as a person and not just a patient.  It may be the fact that I was drowsy, but I would lable her with the term angelic. She was so sweet, and when she finished taking care of Kenz, she surprisingly turned to me and asked me if she could get me anything.  I smiled, genuinely uplifted by the fact that she asked, and was about to tell her thank you so much, but no, when she interrupted and offered me coffee.  I was so caught of guard by her random act of kindness, and I promise you that was the best cup of coffee that I have ever had. 

Later on that day, a young man came to take her away for one of her tests.  I had a few moments to talk to him... and he asked what our relationship was.  I thought about that for a moment, considering that best-friend-since-the-age-of-three doesn't exactly cover it, but calling youself "sister" in a hospital can be taken very seriously, so I settled on the relationship we deemed upon ourselves as children. "Cousin." He smiled at me. "How you holding up?" "I'm good. Just tired" Apparently I looked way more than just tired, because he gave me one of those knowing smiles "Well be encouraged. Stay strong." and then he told me he would be praying for her.  Yet again I was knocked out of my socks.  This guy that I had known for all of 37 seconds had been given the precise words to lift me up and give me the boost I needed to make it through the rest of the journey. 

Then when the doctor came in to speak to us, he was competent and calming and even when I had been so upset with him earlier, because of the lack of understanding at why Kenzie was in so much pain, it was clear that he may have actually known what he was doing ;) Every time I began to feel weak again, I would think back on those three instances, and know that no matter how terrible it seemed, God was in this.  He was there and he was holding my hand so that I wouldn't land on my face as I tripped and stumbled in exhaustion. and now that she is home, getting to look back, this is definitely making me a stronger person.  It's not over yet, but it is easier knowing that God is using this in some way to draw us all closer to him.

With some stubbed toes and scraped knees,

Thursday, July 5, 2012

My experience with fireworks

I have to say that Independence Day is one of my favorite holidays.  Partially because I love summertime, but mostly because I love everything that comes with it.  The festive mood everyone is in.  The vibrant red, whites, and blues.  Old Glory flying high everywhere you look.  Picnics, and laying on the ground in the warm summer night air.  The promise of patriotism despite politics that seems to hang in the air.  and the FIREWORKS. I love fireworks. Yup, DeFiNiTeLy one of my absolute favorite holidays. But, for me, today was not the typical 4th of July.  You know, the all-American, red, white, and blue, eat a hot dog and some watermelon on the checkered-cloth-covered picnic table by the barbeque grill, 4th of July? The kind where you pull out the denim picnic blanket after dark and sit on the lawn to watch the fireworks? Well that's not exactly what my day looked like. 

You see, last night my venue for the day was changed.  I recieved a call around 5:30 letting me know that one of my best friends since childhood, had been put in the hospital.  Kenzie and I met when we were 3 and 4 and grew so close over the years that I literally cant remember a time when we haven't refered to one another's parents as "aunt" and "uncle." Needless to say, I was there the second I got off work. I found out that she had been experiencing some major abdominal pain for the last few days, and that the doctors didn't know much, but they were going to run some tests today. After the tests came back, we found out that she has gastritis, which is basically a fancy word for major inflamation of the intestines.  That however is not the moral of my story.

A little over a month ago, I had the pleasure of standing next to Kenzie as she married Mo.  Well I already knew Mo was an amazing guy, or else I would never have given him permission to marry her ;) but today he showed me, yet again, why he was such a perfect match for her.  A month into marriage, one would not really expect to be in the hospital next to one's spouse, yet there he was, in that green recliner, devoted to doing everything he could for her.

Now, hospital visits to Kenzie are kinda like trips to the grocery store for the average granny, they happen about once a week (I'm only exgaggerating a bit) and I, being the lifelong friend, am a pro at this stuff by now.  Mo, on the other hand, comes from a healthy family, and so was not exactly accustomed to the situation.  He did so well though, and to watch the love and utter devotion in his eyes, was like glimpsing a fireworks show that could not have begun to be paralleled.
So while the "for worse" came before the "for better" and I ate Zaxby's instead of my much craved hot dog, the simple fact that these two young people are so in love made the day more than bearable. 
Congratulations again you too, and I pray that "better" gets here swiftly.

Happy Independence Day!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012


This evening I was having a conversation with my cousin-in-law Mo, while sitting under the sterile lights of the hospital room we were occupying.  I was a bit flustered at a text that I had received earlier in the day from a guy that I haven't spoken to in months, due to a large fight we got into, and the fact that I decided there was no point in pretending to be close to someone who you would really rather not be around. 

I was aggravated at the way in which this text made it seem like we should just pick up where everything got crazy, and I was expressing my mild aggravation to Mo.  He made the comment, "I only keep a handful of close friends" and it really made me think about the handful of extrememly close friends that I do have.  Granted, I am very easy to get along with, and am not intimidated by new people, but those who I really keep up with can be written on a very small list, and right at the top is my self proclaimed bestfriendever, Cassy.

If ever there were a girl worthy of everything the world has to offer, it is her. Cassy has one of the biggest hearts of anyone I have ever had the pleasure of meeting.  and since our very first, very unorthodox meeting, she has never ceased to amaze me.  You see, according to girl law, you are automatically supposed to despise your boyfriend's ex-girlfriends (a large and pointless waste of effort if you ask me.) Well when I first spoke to Cassy, she was dating my "ex-boyfriend," but instead of going about it the way most others would have, she surprised me by being gracious and telling me that she would like to get to know me. 

After being friends with her for over a year, we have both come clean about the fact that we only initially began speaking with a "keep your enemies closer" sort of motive, but what we mean for evil, God often uses for good, and out of the ashes rose my best friend.  Within an insanely short amount of time, we became inseparable...well despite the fact that we have never lived in the same state.  Literally, inseparable.  If a day went by where we didn't talk, things just felt odd.  and over the course of the last year, she has become like a sister to me.

In so many situations, she has shown herself to be the epitome of selflessness.  She gives, and never asks for anything in return.  She is strong when I need her to be, yet is not afraid to lean on me for support.  She doesnt complain when something comes up and needs to take precidence, but instead moves herself to the backburner and waits patiently until I need her again.  She is truely the most amazing friend a girl could ever ask for.

And as I was walking out of the hospital tonight, with the conversation of close friends still weighing heavily on my mind, I noticed a statue of a bronze angel.  I'd walked past it four times before actually taking the time to notice it, but there it stood, steadfast, guarding and watching over all the patients, strong and steady just as my bronze-under-the-SoCal-sun best friend has never failed to do for me.
I love you Cassy Ann :)


late night adventures

So it is 1:30 am, and I should be fast asleep, but instead I am killing ants :(

Now let me just tell you how much of an adventure this has been.  this morning i woke up and walked into my bathroom, only to find ants crawling up the wall.  i then proceeded to grab the nearest can of something to spray them with (which happened to be lysol) and individually shot every single one of those which point i began to realize that i could no longer breathe through the "summer breeze" scent, and had to finish getting ready for work in my roommates bathroom. (deep breath). 

Thanks to my parents building their own house, I have excellent housekeeping skills, so there is absolutely no reason for my apartment to have any bugs at all.  I keep it clean and do my dishes and all that jazz, so there shouldnt be a problem right??? Well obviously that is not correct.  because tonight, when my roommate got home, we found the tile near the water closet coated in ants...and yet again i grabbed the lysol (less oppressive this time since it wasnt scented) and drowned all those little bugs in some glorious foamy bubbles.  this prompted my roomie and i to take our half bag of trash across the complex to the dumpster. 

now pay attention this is the good part. 

as i'm rounding the corner of the brick thing surrounding the dumpster, i hear something moving.  yes ladies and gentlemen, some sort of ferocious furry woodland creature was waiting to attack mein the unlit area right by the dumpster.  not. cool.  needless to say i was sooooo not okay with that, and being very startled, i screamed jumped and flung my half bag of trash at it...i know lacy, feed the thing some leftover chinese takeout! that's the brightest idea you've had all day.  O.o 

 so this is me giving up for the night on my battle against nature.  but be afraid little bugs, be very afraid, because as soon as home depot opens tomorrow, i will be investing in the most efficient way possible to destroy you.  you have been warned.

Jusqu'à demain,

Monday, July 2, 2012

So, last night...

My nights generally consist of a whole lot of nothing.  In my mind it goes something like this...make dinner, do laundry, hang out with friends, catch my favorite TV show, read a little, and go to bed.  This is wayyyy more productive than it actually sounds, considering making dinner consists of throwing some ramen in a pan, doing laundry means staring at the big pile in the corner of the room, adding to it, and deciding "yeah, I'll get to that later," my favorite TV show happens to be on Netflix, so I spend a couple hours on there, read everyone's facebook posts, and then there's the hanging out with my friends...

well my best friends in the whole world happen to live in different states, so our "hanging out" is only made possible via skype (whoever's idea that was, you deserve a Nobel peace prize! Gracias.) 
So last night, I am having one of my not-so-uncommon visits with Blake, my insanely retarded best-guy-friend from Louisana.  and as he usually does, he was being super mean and decided to tease me about being a nerd (hello, you are the one who chose to be my best friend, don't tell me you don't enjoy all this nerdyness!!) So, I decided to retaliate and air his dirty laundry (don't worry dear, you can add it to the giant pile in the corner of my room:)

I suppose you would like some history,

Blake and I met when we were fifteen, on a mission trip in Mobile, AL.  and the very first thing he ever did was yell at me.  That's right, his first instict when he saw a pretty girl was to yell at her and tell her to get back to her room.  I on one hand was extremely confused, because I had never seen this boy in my life and he had just called me by name.  Mind you it was dark outside and there was a lot of loud music.  My initial thought was "who is this idiot?" Come to find out, he thought I was my younger sister, who he had met earlier that day.  So naturally, this would lead to us dating for nearly two years, and being the absolute best of friends for a lifetime after that.  Crazy, huh? I thought so too, until the other day.

You see, Blake and I have most certainly had our ups and downs.  A few weeks ago, we got into an enormous argument that had both of us, and our third best friend, Cassy (more to come on her in the near future) up till five in the morning, talking about all the ways we had failed each other as friends.  At one point in that argument, we were both ready to just give up on trying to maintain any sort of contact, or involvement at all in each other's lives.  But, you know how things can be when your emotions are heightened.  But, shortly after that, he called, needing to confide in someone about some tough stuff. 

I realized, by my lack of hesitation to answer, and by the mere fact that out of everyont he chose to call me, that sometimes God puts people in your life for a reason.  When he gives you someone, he thinks you need, there is really no kicking them out of your life, or running out of theirs.  It's not often that you find a friend who truly just knows you.  Every once in a while, you come across a person who gets it.  Who knows youre about to break before you even say anything.  Someone who can pick you back up, help you glue all the pieces back together and put a smile on your face in the process.  Every now and then, he allows you to be that person for someone else.  I am blessed to have a handful of these people in my life.

So there, dirty laundry aired...Blake Moss is not the idot he initially comes across as.  He really is just a big ole loveable teddy bear ;) and I am lucky to have him, despite his quirks, and the fact that he is a boy and they are nearly impossible to handle.  Don't let it go to your head dear. 

Love and Joy,

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Every good story starts at the beginning...

I grew up in a little town called Flippin, Arkansas.  I loved living there, in the heart of the Ozarks, nestled near some of the prettiest country God ever created.  I grew up fishing and swimming in the crystal clear water of Bull Shoals lake and the White  and Buffalo Rivers.  I absolutely adore my family, and we have always been extremely close.  I have three younger siblings, two sisters and a brother, and two very incredible parents.  I'm a daddy's girl all the way, and my mom is one of my best friends.  I've always had a very strong church family, and have been blessed beyond compare.  Clearly, I was never really had the "let's blow this joint" attitude about growing up and leaving town, but it was always very clear to me that my big dreams were the kind that needed to be chased after. 
I have been through a lot more than I could sit down and write in a day, but my hope is that throughout this, I will come to know myself much better, and that those who wish to/ are led to see, will come to know me and my King more fully.  This is the beginning of my light in the darkness.  Right now, its just a little candle, but all you need to start a raging fire is a single flame.  So, I suppose we shall see what's in store for us.

Love, Strength, and Wisdom,