So on Saturday, Carri got in from Nashville and sent me home for the weekend to get some r&r. It was very nice to be able to go home and have my mommy hold me for a little bit :) The whole weekend in fact was very nice.
When my daddy got home Saturday night, he came up the stairs with a guitar case in his hand. For those of you who know my dad, you already know that this is not an uncommon thing. For those of you don't know my dad, let me just tell you that one of his mulitple dimensions is that he can pick of anything with strings and make it sing. My father is so musically gifted, and in April of last year, I decided I would try to unlock my musical genetics, and picked up his guitar.
When he discovered that I wanted to learn, he put some new strings on my great-great-uncle's guitar, and gave it to me. I was overjoyed, because this thing was a family heirloom and I knew how special it was to him. My great-great-uncle Stubs had given it to my great-grandpa who gave it to my papa who gave it to my daddy who gave it to me with a "when it breaks (not if, but when) we will hang it up and get you a new one". Well, a couple weeks ago, it died, and I cried and called my daddy, who assured me that it would be okay.
Now, I hate asking for expensive things, so I just don't, and considering that guitars are excessively expensive, I didn't know how long it would be before I was able to get a new one. Well, when dad came upstairs with this guitar case in his hand, I was expecting him to pull out his Taylor, and plop down on the couch, pat the spot beside him, so I would curl up close and sing along with his beautiful music.
Instead, he came over and kissed me on my forehead and I gave him a big hug hello, and then he placed the case into my hands and whispered "Happy Birthday" I was sooooooo excited, and when I opened up the case, an acoustic Fender lay inside. It was so gorgeous and I was just so happy :) The sound that came out of it as I strummed across those strings was so bright and cheerful :-) and the fact that the pick was hot pink was just the icing on the cake (how well my daddy knows me). His eyes were just sparkling as he said "I really should have waited until your actual birthday, but I just couldn't." I can't begin to tell you how much that meant to me.
The gift of music is something that will live on forever, and the fact that I can pass that on is more than incredible to me. A father's love is in a field of its own entirely, and it will never cease to amaze me. It is just so awestriking sometimes, and it is something that I have declared to appreciate every moment of every day.
I love you daddy!
Your little girl
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