Monday, November 5, 2012

An average Monday in the life of Me - Day 6

My devotion from this morning:

Proverbs 3:17 "All her (wisdom) paths are peace"
When we are truly wise, we will no longer feel strung along by this life. We will know that we are onthe path God has laid out for us, and we will be able to follow it without any reservations. It talks about wisdom being a "tree of life"; full and satisfying, then points out everything created to sustain us, and make us wonder.
It tells us to use discretion, and confirms that the Lord is our protector, we should not be afraid. And remember this as you go about your day: the Lord blesses the humble.

And the rest of the day....

Point 1: I am so thankful to have people in my life like Michelle Cates (if you are reading this, stop. now. go do your homework. you can come back later. love you!) This girl was so unexpectedly thrown into my life, and since then has been a constant encouragement to me.  Just needed to throw that our there!

Point 2: I adore my co-workers.  At one point today we were haveing a conversation about church, and we started talking about the problem with "youth churches." That story however is far too great to be squeezed into an excerpt.  It needs it's own blog, actually, so more to come, but don't worry, it's not entirely a rant, and it's quite hilarious.  But I will tell you this now; they know exactly how to make me laugh when I feel that I am at my worst.

Point 3: So Carp's mentor is in town and spoke at Chi Alpha tonight (I will get to hear more from him this weekend, at the retreat I'll be attending and let me just tell you, I am excited) He talked about the likeness of children, and how we should strive to align ourselves with that likeness. 

A few of the things he said really hit home for me, one of them being trusting someone with intimate details.  Children tend to be very trusting, because they haven't been hurt yet and they have no reason not to trust.  However as we get older, we realize that there are people in this world who aren't to be trusted. 

What we tend to ignore though, is the fact that there are those who are good, kind, just; those who deserve our trust; yet for fear of being hurt, we hold them at arm's length.  We don't want to share, because they might take too much of us.  We guard our hearts, and take a chance at being alone, rather than the chance at getting hurt again. 

We will never heal from this though, if we refuse to let ourselves.  We must have a childhood honesty and authenticity about what makes us tick.  What strengthens and weakens us.  We must not be afraid to let someone in, because unless you take that chance, how will you ever know. 

One final thing that really stuck with me..."a good message is dependent on the condition of your heart."  I guess that means that God's working on mine; telling me it's time to let go and love; everyone and everything, with all that I am.  I guess if I get hurt again, He'll be there to put me back together.  He's making my life a mosaic. 

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