Just a quick blog today, because I am exhausted.
I am going to take a break from sharing my devotions to talk about a large current event.
Well, as I'm sure you're aware, today was election day. I could go on about how everything went down, who I voted for, what my political views are, but I really just can't get two thoughts out of my head.
1) I am so immensely greatful to live in a country that gives me the opportunity to complain about my government. I am FREE to say what I want, to make my own decisions, and CHOOSE MY LEADER. That is an incredible gift that I know I take for granted.
2) Our country needs prayer. Sure it would be easy to pray for one candidate or the other to hold office, but I feel that that is really missing the big picture. Sure, Obama won, but had Romney taken office, our country would still need the same amount of prayer. The problem is not with our leaders, but lies at the Heart of the People. Our nation needs prayer.
First that we would come back to our Lord.
Second: we need to pray for our President. Not pray about him. PRAY FOR HIM. He's going to have a lot on his shoulders over the next four years, and he needs to trust that our Lord will walk him through it.
Third: we need to pray for the candidate who lost tonight, and his family. Loss is never easy, and it these next few days, weeks, and months have the potential to be very strenuous on them. Pray that God holds their family together.
So tonight as you rant and rave or rejoice, Remember, the change we need begins with you.
Thats all.
Lacy Brianne
PS: update on the fasting challenges: 7 official days without soda, 12 actual days! and I have not purchased a single article of clothing for myself. :) yay!
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