Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Caution: This may be offensive - Day 8

"Listen, my sons, to a father's instruction; pay attention and gain understanding."

This was the beginning of my devotion today. 

Now I normally stay pretty happy and while I am opinionated, I try to have respect for everyone elses opinions.  I generally try not to be abrasive, but tonight is a different story.  Warning: this may offend you. 

So many people on my newfeed are literally ranting like madmen over the outcome of the Presidential election; talking about how the nation is going to crumble and fall apart.  The reason for this overdramatic expression of emotion does not stem from the fact that "we chose the wrong man." It is that the American people, my christian friends included, have lost sight of one very important fact.

Our God Reigns.

You fools! Do you not think God is in control anymore? You cry out begging God to have mercy on our country, but you seem to forget that He has a plan.  He has always had a plan.  He knows what He is doing, so here's a grand idea.  TRUST HIM, like you claim to. 

"Take hold of my words with all your heart.  Keep my commands and you will live."

This nation survived four years of Obama, the man you are all ranting about. 

We will do it again. 

"Keep your mouth free of perversity; keep corrupt talk from your lips."

Gentlemen, this means Do Not Try To Provoke One Another With Your Facebook Status's.  Many of the things I've seen would be considered Treason in another country.  Be thankful you have the right to say them. 

Calling the majority of the voting population "idiots" only makes you look like a caveman.  Do not lower yourself to that level.  As a christian, you should be concerned about how you are interpreted, whether or not you care who you offend.  If you offend someone by striving to be Godly, that is their problem, but when you are not setting a good example, it makes you the one with the problem. As your sister in Christ, it's my job to tell you when you have stepped out of line.  You sir stepped WAY out of line. 

"Do not turn to the right or left.  Keep your foot from evil."

Don't get so caught up in politics that you forget who you are supposed to be striving to be like. 

There I'm done.
Lacy Brianne

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