As a working college student, a moment of free time is rare. It is cherished. And in the off chance it sneaks up on you, it tends to leave you with the thought "Oh crap, I know I'm forgetting to do something."
Over the last couple days, every spare second I could squeeze out of my day has been spent editing scholarship essays for my little sister. As if I wasn't immersed in enough school/book work already, I decided to take on some more. And the funny thing was, it didn't seem to take away any of my time at all. I enjoyed it, because I suppose it was a gift of love.
You see, Lexi is My little sister. I am possessive, protective, and not afraid assassinate you if you hurt her. Yes, Assassinate. It will be that big of a deal. I love her with all of my heart.
Which is why my week has been dedicated to spicing up her English. If you hadn't noticed, I'm kind of the writer of the family, which is just fine, because Lexi's love of math and science is going to make her one of the worlds best pediatricians someday. However, it will be my big words inserted into her essay's that get her a second glance, and her passion for people that seals the deal.
So why are we furiously constructing essays? Well, she has several scholarships due in the next couple weeks during which time she will be in Nicaragua. As in the country. In South America. Far away from me.
I am so excited for her, as she gets to embark on this phenomenal new journey. While I sit here, and pray that God keeps her safe, that He protects her, that He walks by her every moment.
Now, don't get me wrong. I am in no way worried that she will be physically hurt, but the thought of being half a world away from her is kind of nervewraking for me. I won't be there if she needs me, and I have to fully trust God with one of my most precious treasures. Not that I don't already do that, it's just a lot easier when you know you could be there in an hour, two tops, if she really needed you than it is when you are miles and miles apart.
So this it a leap of faith, for both of us. A new page in our journals. A new journey that we take both alone and together.
Gute Reise! Bon Voyage! Safe travels, my dear sister. I love you!
Lacy Brianne
P.S. Tooth Brush. Clean Underwear. Don't forget them. :-)
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